Local Residents

Welcome to the Love Trails Festival residents page. We’d like to say a huge thank you to the residents and the local community within the Gower Peninsula, for their continued support for Love Trails Festival over the years. 

We are committed to working with local residents and Swansea Council to not only minimise the festival's disruption, but also be involved in local projects. 

If you are a local resident and have any questions or queries, please use our dedicated resident email address, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can: residents@lovetrails.com

Please also check our information below as it may answer some of your questions quickly.

Local Residents FAQs

Dedicated Residents Email 

We have a dedicated residents email address: residents@lovetrails.com

Please email us any ideas, feedback or concerns you may have and we will be back to you as soon as possible 

Resident’s communication broadcast

With the aim of improving our direct communication with local residents, we have set up a specific resident contact list. If you or anyone you would like to add their email to our contact list, please share this link with them: https://form.typeform.com/to/iqMl7OaB . This will be to communicate things such as:

  • Future residents meetings

  • Future resident ticket information

  • Information on the one way system

  • Temporary speed limits and road crossings 

  • License details and site opening times

  • All the safety measures we are taking

  • Initiatives taken to minimise disruption and maximise positive impact on the Gower and Wales more widely. 

  • Requests for your input on ideas and planning 

Litter sweeps

We make a very conscious effort to ensure there is no litter, including a full site sweep and beach clean. If you have any litter concerns at all, please let us know the exact area / location and we will send someone to ensure it is covered (residents@lovetrails.com). Please note, there may be other events going on which contribute to this but we will do our absolute best to ensure we leave what we touch just as we found it! 

Thank you for welcoming us to your beautiful area 

Local residents in the noise catchment area of Love Trails Festival are eligible to festival tickets in exchange for a charitable donation to Wales Air Ambulance.

We are in the process of revising our resident ticket policy following feedback from the local community and will publish details on here for 2025 as soon as this is done

We really value our relationship with you as the local community, and hope you get to enjoy Love Trails Festival as much as we do! 

If you have a query regarding sound levels, please rest assured we have a dedicated sound team who during live event, work across the area, testing sound levels to ensure we are within the guidelines and licensing terms. If you are concerned that this is not being adhered to, please send your exact address and we can look into this. Sound is very much dependent on wind direction as well as a number of other factors but our team is constantly monitoring the levels in order to mitigate as much disruption as possible for locals. We do appreciate that by virtue of being a festival with music, this could cause an inconvenience for some members of the community and we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding for the period of our event.